A review of monitoring and estimating methods for regional evapotranspiration
中文关键词:  区域蒸散发  监测技术  估算方法  适用性  综述
英文关键词:regional evapotranspiration  monitoring method  estimating method  adaptability  review
刘钰 中国水利水电科学研究院水利研究所, 北京100048 
彭致功 中国水利水电科学研究院水利研究所, 北京100048 
摘要点击次数: 17836
全文下载次数: 11592
      The evapotraspiration is a combinat ion of energy circulation adn terrestrial water circulation. It is also a bond between ecological processes and hydrological processes for land surface. It has significant meanings of accurately monitor and estimate evapotranspiration for climate change research, water resources planning, agriculture water-saving research, crop yield simulation and environment impact assessment. In the past 3 decades, the methods of monitoring and estimating evapotranspiration have made some essential progress, which are analyzed and evaluated in this paper. The main monitoring methods mainly include gradient method, soil water balance method, lysimeter method, bowen ratio method, eddy covariance method and scintillometer method. The main methods of estimating evaotranspiration include regional water balance method, Penman-Monteinth method and complementary method. The different methods are reviewed based on its basic principles and fundamental features. The adaptability of different methods for different scales evapotranspiration is analyzed. The existing problems and development prospects are pointed out.
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