Evaluation method of nutritional status and its applicability analysis in lakes and reservoirs
中文关键词:  富营养化  营养状态指数  评价方法  密云水库  滇池
英文关键词:eutrophication  nutritional status index  evaluation method  Miyun Reservoir  Dianchi Lake
沈晓飞 中国水利水电科学研究院水环境研究所北京100038 
马巍 中国水利水电科学研究院水环境研究所北京100038 
罗佳翠 云南省水利水电勘测设计研究院云南昆明650021 
陈欣 云南省水利水电勘测设计研究院云南昆明650021 
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全文下载次数: 12985
      Eutrophication is the main problem of water environment in lakes and reservoirs currently, and the evaluation method of nutritional status is the primary technique measure for identifying the nutritional status and water pollution level in lakes and reservoirs. The evaluation methods of nutritional status in lakes and reservoirs, issued by the administration departments, were applied to Miyun Reservoir in Beijing and Dianchi Lake in Kunming for instance. The evaluation results of the lake and reservoir nutritious status under two evaluation methods were comparatively analyzed,and the applicability characteristics of integrated nutritional status index and nutritional status index were concluded and summarized from the characteristics of the different evaluation methods and evaluation result difference of examples. The basic principles of selecting the evaluation method of nutritional status index in lake and reservoir were initially proposed, and some scientific supports for the standardized management of nutritional status evaluation in lake and reservoir were provided.
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