Application research of a comprehensive river water quality model QUAL2K
中文关键词:  QUAL模型系列  QUAL-II模型  QUAL2E模型  QUAL2K模型  应用实例
英文关键词:stream water quality model  QUAL model series  QUAL -Ⅱ model  QUAL2E model  QUAL2K model  application examples
周华 中国水利水电科学研究院水资源研究所北京100038 
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      介绍了QUAL 模型系列由QUAL-I→QUAL-II→QUAL2E→QUAL2K 模型所经历的研究发展过程。对QUAL-II模型的特点和功能进行了分析,给出了各主要水质组分之间的交互作用图。分析了QUAL2K模型,指出了QUAL2K模型与QUAL2E模型的共同及不同之处。最后,分析了QUAL2K模型在我国的几个应用实例,指出QUAL2K模型虽然目前在我国的应用还比较少,尚处于简单应用阶段,但鉴于QUAL2K模型的诸多优势,该模型在我国可望得到更好、更广泛的应用。
      The author introduces the evolution process of the QUAL series models,which have experienced from QUAL -Ⅰ model, QUAL -Ⅱ model, QUAL2E model to QUAL2K model. A full description of QUAL -Ⅱ model is presented,and a chart figure of interactions among the main water quality components by QUAL -Ⅱ model is given. Subsequently,QUAL2K model is analyzed and the interactions among the main water quality components by QUAL2K model is given. The agreements and differences between QUAL2K model and QUAL2E model are pointed out. The QUAL2K model possesses many advantages as compared with other QUAL sequent models, such as comprehensive functions, wide versatility, good visualization, easy operation and high processing speed, etc. At present, although QUAL2K model has been applied less commonly than other QUAL models in China,it will be widely applied in near future.
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