叶茂,缪纶,王志璋,李江华.基于LINUX和MPICH2 的高性能科学计算集群搭建及其性能评测[J].中国水利水电科学研究院学报,2009,(4):
基于LINUX和MPICH2 的高性能科学计算集群搭建及其性能评测
The establishment and performance evaluation of high performance scientific computing cluster based on LINUX and MPICH2
中文关键词:  科学计算集群  并行运算  性能评测
英文关键词:scientific computing cluster  parallel computation  performance evaluation
叶茂 中国水利水电科学研究院信息网络中心, 北京100044 
缪纶 中国水利水电科学研究院信息网络中心, 北京100044 
王志璋 中国水利水电科学研究院信息网络中心, 北京100044 
李江华 中国水利水电科学研究院信息网络中心, 北京100044 
摘要点击次数: 15417
全文下载次数: 10553
      在水利工程计算中, 单机计算已经不能满足实际科研和生产的需要, 大型工程的设计、施工、管理和科学研究都越来越依赖于高性能科学计算。采用并行计算和计算机网络技术构建高性能科学计算集群, 能够有效提高计算速度并降低运算成本。本文探讨了基于Beowulf 集群模型, 利用普通PC 机和以太网, 通过在LINUX 操作系统下搭建基于MPICH2 的并行计算集群, 实现低成本并行计算平台的技术, 并介绍了利用Linpack 测试对并行计算集群进行性能评测的具体方法。这一技术对于解决较大规模科学和工程计算问题具有重要的实用价值和经济意义。
      At present , computation by means of a stand- along computer could not meet the needs of scientific computation for water resources and hydraulic science and engineering. The design, construct ion, management and research of large scale projects are getting more and more to rely on high performance scientific computation. Application of parallel computation and computing net work technology and building of high performance scientific computing cluster can speed up computation speed and reduce computation cost. This paper discusses how to establish a parallel computing cluster, by making use of common personal computers and Ethernet, based on Beowulf model under LINUX-MPICH2 operation system. The cluster is proved to be a low-cost computation platform. The authors also introduced a method of performance evaluation by applying LINPACK software, which was used to evaluate the built computing cluster. It is believed this technique would be a valuable approach to deal with computations and simulations of scientific and engineering problems in large scale hydraulic projects.
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