路京选,曲伟,付俊娥.国内外干旱遥感监测技术发展动态综述[J].中国水利水电科学研究院学报,2009,(2): |
国内外干旱遥感监测技术发展动态综述 |
Review on drought monitoring using remote sensing |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 干旱 遥感 监测 土壤水分 |
英文关键词:drough remote sensing monitoring soil water |
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摘要点击次数: 19293 |
全文下载次数: 11339 |
中文摘要: |
干旱是我国影响范围最广和造成经济社会损失最为严重的一种自然灾害,干旱缺水已成为制约我国可持续发展的一个瓶颈.及时发现干旱并准确预报旱情发展动态,对抗旱减灾至关重要.本文在简述国内外遥感技术总体发展态势基础上,从干旱监测的遥感数据源开始,系统地总结了目前国内外干旱遥感监测的主要方法以及发展状况,包括土壤含水量的遥感反演法、热惯量法、冠层温度法、植被指数法、微波遥感法等.提出了加强我国干旱遥感监测技术研究的建议,以期推动我国干旱遥感监测的全面应用. |
英文摘要: |
Drought is one of the major natural disasters which causes very severe impacts on economy and society in China and has become a bottleneck to sustainble development in the country. It is critical important to detect large area drought events timely and provide accurate early warnings for drought relief. Start ing with a brief introduction to the general development of remote sensing technology home and abroad, this article provides with an overall summary of the current status on remote sensing for drough monitoring and remote sensing data??sources availability. Several main drought monitoring methods under use are discussed, such as thermal inertia method, canpoy temperature method, vegetation index method, microwave remote sensing method, etc. Some recommendations on imrpoving drought monitoring using remote sensing are put forward. This review art icle would be of help to facilitate the real operation of drough moitoring using remote sensing in China. |
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