Study on flow-induced vibration of back radial valves for the Three Gorges shiplock
中文关键词:  三峡永久船闸  反向弧形阀门  流固耦合  水弹性  流激振动
英文关键词:Three Gorges shiplock  back radial valves  fluid-structure interact ion  hydroelasticity flowinduced vibration
谢省宗 中国水利水电科学研究院水力学研究所, 北京, 100038 
李世琴 中国水利水电科学研究院水力学研究所, 北京, 100038 
陈文学 中国水利水电科学研究院水力学研究所, 北京, 100038 
吴一红 中国水利水电科学研究院水力学研究所, 北京, 100038 
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      本文采用原型观测、模拟试验和理论分析等手段, 对三峡永久船闸高水头输水反向弧形阀门的流激振动问题进行深入研究。研究内容包括: ( 1) 以五强溪船闸反向弧形阀的原型观测为基础, 对三峡船闸反向弧形阀及输水廊道紊流场进行精细的数值模拟和试验研究, 通过综合分析, 对三峡反向弧形阀门可能出现的小开度强振区的振源进行预报。( 2) 研究符合金属结构水弹性相似的高容重、低弹模的特殊材料系列, 并用该材料制成了1??20 三峡反向弧形阀的??完全水弹性相似?? 的流激振动模型; 用该模型进行了实验( 干) 模态分析, 并与有限元的理论模态分析相比较, 二者符合较好, 说明它的动力性能良好, 可用于反向弧形阀门的各项水弹性振动问题研究; 在大型减压箱中对三峡永久船闸反向弧形阀在输水过程中的紊流流激振动进行模拟, 预报阀门结构的动力特性及动力响应。最后对减振、抗振措施提出相应建议。
      The flow-induced vibration of the high head back radial valves in the Three Gorges ship lock was studied by means of prototype observat ion, experimental research and theoret ical analysis. The studies include: 1) Analysis and prediction of vibration sources. Strong vibration sources of the valve in a small opening during sluicing was discovered and the possible strong vibration sources were analyzed, based on the prototype observation of the valve operation in the Wuqiangxi high head ( 4215m) ship lock and the numerical simulat ion and experimental study of turbulent flow around the valve in theThree Gorges ship lock; 2) Dynamic characteristics investigation and dynamic response prediction of the valve structures. A series of materials with high specific weight and low elastic modulus were developed, which would satisfy the hydro-elast ic similarity of metal structures. A valve model with a scale of 1 20 was made, which was called / full hydro-elastic similarity0 model, satisfying not only the geometrical similarity, but also the volume weight and elasticity similarity. The dry modulus experiment results were in good agreement with that of numerical analyses by applying FEM. The flow-induced vibration of the valves during water delivery of theThree Gorges ship lock was simulated in a large vacuum tank. The dynamic characteristics of the valve structure and its dynamic response were measured. Finally, some vibration damping and ant-i vibrat ion measures were proposed.
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