Seismic safety of the South- to-North Water Transfer Project
中文关键词:  南水北调  抗震安全  工程抗震
英文关键词:The South-to-North Water Transfer Project  seismic safety  earthquake engineering
陈厚群 中国水利水电科学研究院工程抗震研究中心北京100044 
摘要点击次数: 11069
全文下载次数: 10244
      南水北调工程的东线、中线和西线三条调水路线联系了我国长江、淮河、海河和黄河四大江河, 全长超过3000km。各线路所经大部分地区都属峰值加速度在011g 以上的较强地震区, 尤其西线更甚。本文强调指出南水北调工程抗震安全的重要性及其遭受震害的严重后果, 讨论了工程抗震面临的关键技术问题, 诸如: 长距离输水工程的地震动输入参数的选择, 工程穿越活动断裂的影响, 以及长距离输水隧洞和大型输水渡槽, 特别是穿越黄河的工程。此外, 还简略介绍了规划阶段的一些初步的抗震研究成果, 包括中线工程大型渡槽的结构分析和大型振动台试验研究以及穿黄隧洞方案结构抗震分析等, 提出了有待深入研究的问题。
      The South-to-North Water Transfer Project will connect four large rivers ( Yangtze River, Huaihe River, Haihe River and Yellow River) in China with its three routes (east, middle, and west routes) . The three routes are of a total length of more than 3000km. Most of the area covered by the project will be located in regions of rather high seismicity with the peak ground acceleration of higher than 0.1g, particularly, in the region of the West Route. In this paper the seismic safety and the serious consequences of earthquake damage of the project were emphasized. Some critical engineering problems were discussed, such as, the select ion of ground motion parameters for long-distance water conveyance structures, the effect of active faults in the structures passing through them and the seismic design of long distance tunnels and large aqueducts, especially, for structures passing through the Yellow River. Finally, some preliminary results of the seismic studies on tunnels and large-scale aqueducts in the middle route in planning stage by means of both structural analysis and model tests on a large shaking table were introduced briefly. A series of problems pending further study were also mentioned.
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